List of Authors

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Amaya, Connie: Encouraging the Harvest Grain by Grain

Anonymous: Consider How the Lilies Grow

Anonymous: Mashed Potatoes and Food for the Soul

Anonymous: Neighbors Like Family

Anonymous: Snippets of Life on the Block

Arendshorst, Sharon: The Tiny Things

Arendshorst, Tom: Love that Lives On in the Neighborhood

Beal, Dayna: Bicycle Bill

Beal, Dwight: Needing The Needy

Beal, Dwight: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

Beal, Dwight: Inebriated Angels

Beal, Kathy: Festivals : Summertime Images in Our Neighborhood

Beery, Alice Brown: From Here to There…and Here Again

Boys and Girls Club: From Black Crows to Vibrant Tulips

Brown Eagle: Friendship Circle

Brownson, Jeannette: Love in Any Language

Brownson, Jonathan: Heaven Scent

Brownson, Jonathan: Listen Carefully

Brownson, Jonathan: Providential Generosity

Captain Rock: Loaves and Fishes

Carter, Rhonda: God Sent Her

Carter, Rhonda: Couches and Chaos

Chamness, Dorothy: Neighbors Moving Through and Past the Ashes

Cotton, Ryan: Faces in the Neighborhood

DeRidder, Mary: The Neighbors We Meet Along the Miles

DeVos, Chris: Following The Footsteps of Jesus

Dinkins, Doug: PETS

Dye, Joel: Beyond Differences

ESCAPE Ministries: Surrendered

Garcia, Raul: Trusting in Love

Green, Chuck: Neighbors

Gulker, Virgil: Loving Our Children

Hernandez, Delfino: An Angel Sent by God

Karsen, Wendell: Welcoming Jesus to Holland

Kenyon, Ellorie: A Miracle in the Midst of Tragedy

Kingdom- Grier, Denise: Denise’s Story

Krygsheld, Todd: A Community Story of True Help

Lancaster, Jan: Jan’s Story About Phil

Lancaster, Jan: Seventeen

Lenon, Kavy: Embracing Culture

Lindell, Jay: Camping in the Kingdom

Lopez, Priscilla: From Water to Wine

McCoy, Justin: Work in Progress

Noordijk, Norma: Serving with Coffee

Osburn, Jordyn: Watching God Through the Living Room Window

Pier-Fitzgerald, Lynn: Jesus Prays for Us

Tucker, Mark: Faith in Practice

Vanden Bosch, Harv and Lolly: Casey

Visscher, Mike: Big Smile