Faith in Practice

By Mark Tucker –

Carlos came to Community Action House as a member of his fifth grade class to give a donation and to help sort clothes.  When they finished, the class ate at the Community Kitchen.

After eating, Carlos approached his teacher and the Executive Director.  He told them he was happy to be helping.  He shared his feelings but didn’t walk back to his table.  The teacher asked him why he wasn’t going back to sit with his classmates.  Carlos said, “Because you didn’t give me a chance to tell you why I like helping Community Action House.”  So the teacher asked him why he liked helping.  “Because when I was five,” he answered,  “my mother and I didn’t have any food to eat and Community Action House gave us food, and they even gave me a toy.  I know they help families when they don’t have enough to eat, and I’m glad I’m helping them.”

At age five Carlos had needed help, at age ten he was giving back. In essence, I believe this is what Jesus instructed us to do when he said in Matthew 25:40: ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’

Carlos’ story exemplifies how Community Action House is a place in our community where neighbors come together and put their faith in practice to help others.