Denise’s Story
By Denise Kingdom-Grier – [originally presented in spoken word]
This is my story
All glory to the one who came first – stayed last
the future and the past
the story of my neighborhood
as I stood two steps behind
he who turned water into wine —
I walk 2 steps behind
white tops and black pants and a story that’s true
hey young ones what are you going to do
taking your stroll at ¼ to 8 – don’t be late
make your mark at VR
cause you gotta go far when you wear that white and black
2 steps behind Him
2 steps behind 17th street
trash talking, name callin finger pointin
they’re just ballin’
and stallin from sun up to sun down dribble juke pass around
cause this is your court and this is his town
the one who walks two steps ahead
of the door that swings open and shut
as she comes with a cup for food for alms
quivering palms to give not to get with forgiveness no regret
cause she can never forget how the water felt on her brow and the story of how her sins were washed away
so she came back to say– I’m still following Him
Her story—his song- praising the savior the whole day long
Monday thru Friday
Sunday and Sabbath day
open and shut the doors of the store, church , house
to mothers mourning
fathers born in
to church clothes and class rolls
one friend one foe
as we run, skip, walk two steps behind
row after row
of varying hues standing accused of breaking the color code
praying prayers across the road
is the little old lady who sat with me in her alienation offered a conversation
that lead to our liberation—
in my neighborhood– my story for His glory– two steps– one if I could- walking behind
Jesus in this neighborhood.